Rama Constractions PLC - CONSTRUCTION
Rama Constractions PLC
Our vision is to be the premier choice for all construction works in Ethiopia and Competitive actor undertaking all types of construction work internationally.
- Telephone : +251 116 46 32 90
- Email : Ramahq@ramaconstructionplc.com
- Website : http://www.ramaconstructionplc.com/
- Address : Yerer Rama Building
selamawitgegziabherToday I need office enginer. I have BSC Degree in civil engineering from Dire Dawa University (2006 E.C). With regard to work I am very commitged to achive the organization.
Muluken Tibebe Hailu
I was devotely work in rama construction plc. at time of intenship and also for few month as labor in thtis company and now I am graduated in civil engineering ( structural engineering) from Adama Scince and Technology Univesity.I was bring my CV at head office but there is no respose from compan
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